The Gift

Another lovely June day. Each day is precious when you live in the moment. A sense of place is comfort. Being comfortable in your own skin is priceless. I saw Shari Jade and Molly on my daily Woods Walk. They lifted my spirits.

‘It is almost Christmas in July,’ Billy B exclaimed! ‘I have an early Christmas gift for each of you,’ Billy B continued. ‘We must go to Pounds Hollow for a swim and exploration,’ he advised.

‘Are the gifts at the Hollow,’ Jane asked? ‘I know how you enjoy Christmas and your gifts are always special,’ she added. ‘One year you gave me a Schwinn Bicycle I have ridden it daily since,’ she laughed.

‘I am hoping for a Frankenstein mask and hands from Universal Studios,’ Chet intoned. ‘I have admired your Creature From The Black Lagoon ensemble for some time, Chet added with a wink and a nod.

‘As for me I hope it is a membership in the Wine of the Month Club I especially love Merlot,’ said Neva J. ‘The Ballon Wine that we make in the basement is great but not Merlot,’ she added.

‘Look at all of the June swimmers they have a peaceful aura,’ said Jane. ‘Are the Christmas in July gifts in the 57′ Chevy trunk,’ she asked. ‘The drive to Pounds Hollow is enjoyable with Neva J singing and the Moo and Cackle hamburgers to eat on the journey. ‘I visualize Christmas in December and all of its love and camaraderie,’ she noted with a happy tear.

‘Dad was with us last Christmas, he was very sick but he rallied for the big day and no one put more holiday spirit in the celebration than he,’ Chet said with happy tears and fond memories.

‘Rosie spent last Christmas with us she was so happy to be with people who loved and respected her,’ Neva J said. ‘She said that all she had known was being set apart and ignored unseen by people next to her in the grocery checkout line, Neva J continued. ‘We were her true family, Neva J said softly.

‘Chet, remember the times we swam beyond the rope out into the deep water over to the far bank of Pounds Hollow how exciting it was and the mysteries that we discovered,’ said Billy B. ‘We were invigorated and afraid of the unknown,’ he added. ‘I could not have made the swim if I had not known how to float,’ Billy B winked.

‘I recall how wonderful Star Trek was as an episode came out each week,’ Chet answered. ‘Adult life was the ultimate mystery we knew our lives were about to change,’ Chet commented.

‘Neva J made the best Roast Beast and her Christmas Coffee Cake was unparalleled,’ Jane said with gusto. ‘Her aluminum Christmas Tree with the color wheel shining upon it was a delight,’ she added. ‘Christmas with her was like living in two centuries the time of Dickens with Scrooge and Tiny Tim and the uncertainty of the 60s’,’ Jane observed.

‘The gifts are memories now that we are in our 60s’,’ Billy B said. ‘Where we have been has brought us to where we are,’ he whispered…

One response

  1. I’m much happier living in the present, it’s new for me. Feeling good is beginning to trump looking good. I’m sick and tired of all of the dieting. Reading about your memories helped me to recall some of my own. The danger of swimming beyond the rope. I remember the water would suddenly become dark at that point. My best friend Debbie who was more like a mother figure was always nearby.

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