Cool And Chill

The temperature has dropped and I feel Cool and Chill today. It is a good feeling. Often I forget how laid-back life can be if I do not take myself too seriously. As the author Erma Bombeck wrote, ‘If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing In The Pits?’

Throughout my working life, I did not know how stressed I was. With one eye on protecting my colleagues and the other on producing excellent work products the job never left my mind. Assumptions have ruined many good people. We fret and fear that others may not like us or misunderstand us when it is likely that we have not entered their mind.

MJ and I were in Lowe’s this morning. The gentleman who waited on us was friendly and thorough. He took his job seriously. He mentioned that I had a Southern accent. He said that my voice was pleasant. I like hearing such compliments as I have always feared that my voice sounds cartoonish.

A black dog with a grey muzzle was in my place at the Woods today. She was lying on a picnic table with a roof overhead to shelter her from the rain. She barked as I approached as if to say, ‘Find your own shelter.’ I thought live and let live and found my seat outside the shelter.

We are preparing to have some staining and painting done. The lady who came to estimate the project was friendly and efficient. Her demeanor caused us to go with her quote because we trust her. A lesson when hiring folks to do customer service.

I recall Elizabeth from many years ago at the Kentucky Oaks Mall. She had such a way of describing the Gnome Statues made by the Artist Tom Clark that she brought them to life. Once Elizabeth told her story about each Gnome they seemed to jump to life and say buy me and make me a part of your family…

At Southern Illinois University our Custodial colleagues captured the hearts of the community we served. We took our student workers to lunch and had them to our homes for holidays. Chancellors and Presidents mentioned us as examples of the epitome of love for our University and dedication to its success.

Life looks different when you look at it calmly and with an eye for miracles. They are around every corner. They are in front of us. Guardian Angels watch us while we sleep. The hairs on our head are numbered and I have less to count. We seek the Creator. We take our place in the greatest drama of the ages. The frogs croak on the pond in the woods. All is right with the world…

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