
It seems we were wishing each other Happy New Year a day or two ago. Now we look closely at the 6 month mark for 2024. We are a bit like the old silent movies where the actors move in hurried jerky motions. To outside observers, we must appear similar. The heat bakes our skin until the chilly winds of autumn soon arrive.

I heard recently that during our lives we are different people. Time and travail sun wind and rain mold us. The good news for we oldsters is that studies have shown that an aging brain is a brain full of experience and wisdom. We may get tongue-tied from time to time but we know where we are going and where we have been. Our fascination with our forgotten youth is a false hurdle that we have constructed on the track of our journey. We can be who we want to be. ‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast.

Today is reality. Tomorrow is hope. Yesterday was a lovely dream.

Nature affords a sense of place and time. We see ourselves as a player in the large theatrical production called Life. Nature illustrates the changes we go through.

Seek we do for others to understand our journey. Our story is unique and no one has it but us. Billions of images have crossed our field of vision. Sounds enter our ears constantly including the sound of silence. We are attuned to faces. Show us a new face and we will file the image away for further reference. Faces bring us comfort. Faces are like a mirror for our souls. In other’s eyes, we see ourselves.

2 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this idea with these faces. Anita

    1. My pleasure, my friend.

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