
Father’s Day Weekend is here. I always wanted to be in theatre and now I have the role of a lifetime. Nothing in life has suited me more.

Often I have observed others in search of Dad. We search for our father who is looking out for us. We desire Dad to have our back. Difficult questions about our involvement in the intricacies of our existence require Dad to give us sage advice. We want to see his benevolent gaze.

Home is where Dad is. Dad gives us a sense of place. No matter what happens we know that Dad has the wisdom of what we need.

Dad may take the personage of a good pastor. Dad can even be a good and caring boss. Dad can even take the form of a loving brother.

‘Neva J bought me a ball glove and baseball,’ Billy B said. ‘She and I have been playing catch and I am getting pretty good,’ he added with enthusiasm.

‘Thelma told me about the Birds and the Bees the other day what a wild ride,’ Chet said. ‘Before Dad passed away he said that it was just about time for the Talk,’ Chet went on to say with a sly grin.

‘Pastor Jack is a lot of fun he took us all fishing and he showed me how to bate a hook with a wiggly worm,’ Jane laughed. ‘When Tonia was bullying me he showed me how to box like a boxer, one hit and Tonia became my friend,’ Jane laughed.

‘I have a painting hanging in my bedroom of Christ sitting on a hill overlooking Jerusalem he has the saddest eyes as if he were the Dad of all that he surveyed,’ Billy B noted. ‘I felt that Jesus was my Dad and that he knew me,’ Billy B said.

‘I told Dad that I was Gay and he told me that he loved me and was proud of me,’ Joey S said with a tear of love in his eye.

‘Mr B I know that I have violated the rules and I am sorry…I will never do it again…you have a fatherly spirit that touches my heart,’ Valuable Colleague said…

3 responses

  1. Willie Torres Jr. | Reply

    Happy Father’s Day

    1. Thank you, my friend.

      1. Willie Torres Jr.

        You are very welcome. Hope you have a Great and Blessed Weekend.

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