A Day In The Life Of Billy B

‘I love a good monster flick,’ Billy B said with abandon. ‘I hope Chet does not forget that we are meeting at the Orpheum Theatre this afternoon for the summer matinee,’ he continued. ‘Frankenstein in June is a treat,’ Billy B said while laughing.

‘Where have you been,’ Chet asked Billy B? ‘It is almost time for the movie to begin. ‘Frankenstein and I had a chat,’ Chet continued. ‘He says that he is misunderstood and would like to be depicted as a loving cigar-smoking reanimated figure,’ Chet continued. ‘He said that when he threw the little girl in the water in the Boris Karloff movie he assumed she would enjoy it,’ Chet grinned.

‘You mean you spoke with the real Frankenstein,’ Jane shuddered.

‘Yes he was wearing a top hat and tails and is quite a singer,’ Chet noted. ‘He performed with Dr. Frankenstein on stage to thunderous applause,’ Chet stated.

‘Was he singing Puttin On The Ritz,’ Billy B asked? ‘No he sang I Can’t Give You Anything But Love and afterward, he did a comedy routine where his catch line was, ‘I can’t get no respect with a comedian in a rumpled suit,’ Chet said with a wink.

‘Why hello Frank what is the good word,’ Chet asked?

‘I just returned from the Cigar Store and bought you all some Cohibas,’ Frank N Stein said with a grin. ‘Cigars…good…,’ he said.

‘Did Mrs Stein come with you,’ Jane asked?

‘She was going to but was having difficulty fixing her hair I will never get accustomed to her scream,’ Frank said with a wry grin. ‘Come back to my house and I will make you my famous Old Fashioneds,’ Frank said. I will make a movie that will tell my story correctly and call it…’I Can’t Get No Respect,’ he laughed.

2 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this amazing ideas. Anita

    1. My pleasure, my friend.

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