Hot Weather Fun

July 4th is breathing down our necks. Time to get serious about fun! After the 4th it is a slippery slope to the beginning of school and then the holidays.

‘I am so excited about Pounds Hollow,’ Neva J said. ‘I have packed the Merlot and Uncle R has a cooler of Coors Light,’ she continued. ‘It is so hot and the water of Hollow is so cool,’ Neva J laughed.

‘On this trip, I will look for sharks,’ Chet proclaimed. ‘I saw some the last time we were swimming by the far bank of the lake,’ he said while grinning.

‘You know it will soon be Shark Week on television,’ Billy B noted. ‘I did not realize that Pounds H had sharks aren’t they found in the ocean,’ he asked?

‘Sharks can turn up in the strangest places,’ Jane said. ‘You remember Jaws,’ she asked? ‘One time I had a dream that a shark was in my bedroom and I invited him to sleep on the floor,’ Jane said laughing.

‘Jamie told me that the love of sharks is a permanent state of mind,’ Billy B noted. ‘She told me that if you imagine a shark it will appear,’ he continued. ‘Jaime has a pet shark in a giant pool in her backyard,’ Billy B said with a wink.

‘I see a fin above the water,’ Neva J said with trepidation. ‘She called out loudly…shark…shark…shark,’ and folks began to run in the water as fast as you can run in water as fear gripped the beach full of July 4th revelers.

‘I am swimming out to see if it is really a shark,’ announced Jaime. ‘I know sharks and if a shark is in this lake it will be a first,’ she proclaimed!

‘Hi Jaime,’ said Chet. ‘I thought I would add some excitement to the Independence Day Festivities,’ he said with a wink. ‘I purchased this shark fin from Universal Studios it looks real,’ he laughed.

‘We need to get out of here,’ Uncle R proclaimed! ‘I have seen shark fins before and that is attached to a real shark as he quaffed another Coors Light.

‘Do not worry about Chet with the fake Universal Studios Shark Fin…there is a real shark on the right side of the rope of no return and he is visiting with Jamie,’ Neva J announced.

‘Jaime you are a good friend,’ Shark said with a toothy smile. ‘No harm will come to anyone today we sharks know our friends and love to be around them, Shark continued. ‘I had a big lunch of minnows and sardines which are delicious but it takes a lot of them to fill up,’ Shark continued. ‘I had some eels as well but they are so spicy do you have any Tums,’ Shark asked…

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