Sitting At The High Table

Friday evening is calling. Or as the old song said, Working For The Weekend. My first job at Essex International afforded me some sad countenanced colleagues, especially on Monday mornings. Folks appeared ill. I was in my customary good humor as it was my first job and a daily challenge. But on Friday the veil lifted and the Sun showed through. So it goes with us at the Low Table. We work for our bread from morning to night and hope for some extra amusements for the kids. We want to be treated fairly and with a circumspect eye toward our common humanity.

President Lincoln told us at Gettysburg that, ‘these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’ We do not have a king in the United States. We elect one of our peers for a time to lead us and then he/she shall return to what the rest of us are doing…living in a democracy.

High Tables and Easy Living change our perspective. We love the sound of our own voice. The Little People annoy us. We decide that we will make God in our own image.

The reverence we had for our institutions. We Littles knew that some wise women and men were looking out for our best interests. Law was the great equalizer and justice was blind according to the statue of Lady Justice.

‘Mr. Justice and Madame Justice we are down here,’ Littles called out. ‘We can see you…can you see us,’ Littles continued in desperation?

‘Did any of you hear a squeak or a small whisper,’ Mr. Justice asked? ‘I thought I saw a flash before my eyes as I peered down at the floor but decided it must have been some ‘overdone stew or a bad potato,’ Mr. Justice continued.

‘I am a bit chilly and the cold air is coming in through the Court House Door that an intruder had left open,’ Madame Justice said with a shiver. ‘We must not leave the door open as the varmints will get in and then what shall we do,’ She continued…

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