Memorial Day Fun

‘I have packed plenty of Merlot and Oscar Mayer Wieners for Chet,’ Neva J grinned from ear to ear. ‘You know this Memorial Day the Orpheum Theatre is erecting a giant movie screen to show the movie The Blob,’ she added with a joyous shiver. ‘Steve McQueen is the Cat’s Pajamas,’ she said.

‘I am going to wear my Creature From The Black Lagoon costume and once it is good and dark I will emerge from Pounds Hollow Lake and trudge through the audience on the beach,’ Billy B said with some satisfaction, ‘Everyone will be so emersed into their fear of the Blob that they will not notice me until is too late,’ he smiled.

‘I heard that there is a blob-like substance around the beach where you enter the water that the Park Rangers have not been able to identify,’ Jane said with a concerned look. ‘I hope it does not crawl up my arm and eat me,’ she said.

‘As for me I shall be modeling my Lost In Space Robot outfit which is a hit with the kids,’ Chet said. ‘It is high time to throw off the shackles of school and kick off the Summer Vacation with a bang,’ Chet observed. ‘I hope that our teachers will be there for this unprecedented movie and swimming event which is certain to become an annual event,’ he continued.

‘Look at all of these people laying on their beach towels and sipping their Merlot and Peppermint Schnapps,’ Billy B observed. ‘Dad is smoking this new pipe that I gave him for an early Father’s Day gift,’ Billy B smiled knowing that he had done well and that he was a good boy.

‘Please only swim in the designated area as The Blob has been found in the campground and attacked a Ranger who had to be rushed to the hospital,’ Steve McQueen said to the audience. ‘I do not know how I got here but this is live and in real-time,’ he continued.

‘That does not compute,’ said Chet dressed as the Lost In Space Robot.

‘My God it is the Creature From The Black Lagoon,’ cried out Buddy. ‘He is roaming through the crowd on the beach and what is that gelatinous material that he is covered with,’ Buddy said with fear in his voice!

‘Breaking news from Pounds Hollow that several people watching the film The Blob contracted a blob-like substance on their arms and legs and have been admitted to Ferrel Hospital for treatment,’ WSIL Channel 3 announced on the 5:00 P:M: news. ‘On a related note actor Steve McQueen noted that he was at the event to promote his new movie and things got a bit out of hand after the Creature From The Black Lagoon spread fear and a gooey substance throughout the Memorial Day gathering…

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